Faith Horizons | Discovering the kingdom of God in Kansas City One Conversation at a Time
A Kansas City Podcast
Is it hard for you to keep track of all the different kingdom missions in Kansas City, and how they are working as a cohesive whole to accomplish the purposes of God for this great city?
Join in the weekly conversations with Kansas City local Nathan Sack as he interviews kingdom leaders to both discover individual missions and keep up with what God is doing today.
Learn about ongoing missions and get short weekly kingdom digest with local leaders in Kansas City.
Faith Horizons | Discovering the kingdom of God in Kansas City One Conversation at a Time
"Debunking 'Ask and You Shall Receive'?" | Steve Magnusun - Ep 80
In this episode Steve and I discuss the implications of this promise which was reiterated over and over by Jesus himself.
- Ask and you shall receive.
- Seek and you shall find.
- Knock and the door shall be open to you.
If this is true… many are living out their lives far short of this great potential.
Some questions:
- Do your prayers excite God and call forth impossibilities?
- Is your aka humility… getting in the way of all that God has planned for you?
- Have we lost what we once understood about Faith, what does history have to say about where we are now?
- Is your thinking getting in the way of your kingdom potential?
To hear more from Steve Magnuson about the Kingdom of God go to:
Shiloh International is a prophetic voice established to boldly declare the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in our generation and articulate what a manifestation of His Kingdom looks like in the cities and nations of the earth.
Intro and Outro Music by Jerry Abah Help us discover more of what God is doing in Kansas City.